
Prayer of the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.

O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Welcome to the web site for North Carolina Episcopal Cursillo. We are a group of Episcopalians eager to develop lay leadership across our diocese. Cursillo is one method for training, supporting and ongoing development of Christian leadership. The Cursillo method contains two main components:

  • a 3-day weekend filled with 15 talks, group discussions, worship and fun... and
  • the 4th-day that represents how we live out the Christian life in support of one another.

There are a lot of Spanish terms like Ultreya and DeColores that you will see throughout these pages; for more info on what these terms mean and about Cursillo and its history, go to What is Cursillo? The secretariat is the governing body of the movement in this diocese.

Important Announcements

Weekend #111 will be held at Camp Walter Johnson May 15-18, 2025. Contact weekend leader Fred Watts via email for more information.

Do you know someone who would be blessed by attending a weekend? Would you bless us by serving on the team? Remember: Christ is counting on You!

For more information contact us.


Join the mailing list!
To join our mailing list, click here.

Secretariat Members Needed
Volunteer to help lead our NC Cursillo movement. Contact a current Secretariat member to learn more.

Need More Information?
To find out more about attending a three-day weekend or sponsoring a participant, email us at NorthCarolinaCursillo@gmail.com.

Secretariat meetings
The Secretariat makes plans and carries out activities for the ministry in this Diocese. Meetings usually run from 10 a.m. until 2 or 2:30 p.m. Meetings occur on the third Saturday of every other month and vary by location. Cursillistas are encouraged to attend; the meetings are open to the public. For more information email us at NorthCarolinaCursillo@gmail.com.

How to Make a Donation

Please prayerfully consider a contribution in support of NC Episcopal Cursillo. Any amount can be given.

Cursillo is supported by contributions from people like you. You may give in three ways:

The Harold Elsner Fund is set aside for scholarships for the 3-day weekend and can be used for candidates or team members.

The Merry Walker Clergy Fund supports clergy who act as weekend Spritiual Directors. Often, clergy must pay for the weekend without parish support and even pay for a supply priest.

The General Fund supports the overall expenses of Cursillo, mailings and newsletter production, this web site, supplies for the weekend and so forth.

Please consider offering a donation by sending your check to:

NC Episcopal Cursillo
c/o Episcopal Diocese of NC
4800 Six Forks Road, Suite #300
Raleigh, NC 27609

All gifts are tax deductible. Thank you for supporting Cursillo!!


Important Links

Episcopal Cursillo Ministry (National)
